Monday, September 16, 2024

Messi and Ronaldo divide fans

SoccerNews in General Soccer News 8 Jan 2009


The FIFA World Player of the Year Award could really go two ways as Argentinian Lionel Messi and Portuguese Cristiano Ronaldo divide fans.

A poll conducted by shows that 39.4 percent of voters would like to see the award go to FC Barcelona’s Lionel Messi, but another 39.0 percent picks Cristiano Ronaldo of Manchester United instead.

Brazilian Kaka (Milan) is third choice with 11.4 percent of the votes, followed by Fernando Torres and Euro 2008 MVP Xavi.

The winner of the award will be announced at a special gala in Zürich (Switzerland) on Monday.


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  • aish

    0 0

    ronaldo and messi are very………..cuts.I just love…………..them.

  • Святослав Родионов

    0 0

    Большое спасибо автору за полезную статью 😉

  • вopcepдeчки

    0 0

    Премного благодарен! Буду теперь заходить на ваш блог каждый день! 🙂

  • Рубен Сычев

    0 0

    Первые два комментатора дело говорят 🙂

  • Chelsea FC Fan

    0 0


    I think this debate will be revisited in the near future…the race for Footballer of the year has just gotten more interesting…

    w/ CR in La Liga to compete against Messi, there is a new challenge on the plate for both players…and up and coming players.

    I think it’s too late for CR to be in the race for this upcoming award, but the competition for the next award will be very exciting to see…

    I might be a little quick to assume CR is going to Real, but I guess i’m also hoping that it does happen this time…the timing is perfect.

  • Bзлoмщик

    0 0

    Я конечно в этом не особо разбираюсь, но после вашей статьи стал гораздо больше понимать. Респект 🙂

  • Brad

    0 0

    Dip, please dont insult Ronaldo by comparin him with Messi. Messi is great but still……. I think he needs a nother season behind him before he gets my vote, even if he scored in the CL final jes awhile go.
    Tevez and Rooney are EQUAL to Ronaldo, even though they dont have the small flaw of divin.
    I agree with CFC fan though, this debate should be terminated.

  • Chelsea FC Fan

    0 0

    well well… ; )

    So now, can this debate end once and for all?

    I think we all know who will be succeeding the World Player of the Year…

  • Dip

    0 0

    Please dont insult messi by comparing him with ronaldo. Messi is the best. Man u has better players like tevez and rooney than ronaldo

  • Michelangelo

    0 0

    don’T gt me wrong.ronaldo is by far “one of the best“ and well he’s quite helpful in man u achievements but dude his footbal is somehw boring.same stepovers dives al the time come on.dats totally out of footbal flair

  • Brad

    0 0

    Experiance helps u become the best player. u cant jes automatically be the best, u need to be in the professionals for a good while.
    sure, messi has done that, but NOT NEARLY as long as Ronaldo has.
    “Dont tread on us.”

  • Michelangelo

    0 0

    it’s nt about’s about who plays best.

  • Michelangelo

    0 0

    Well as i read through y’all so cald“ronaldo fans”one loser mentiond dat there is a game were barca players dived more than he has ever seen ronaldo do.thats jst crap and u knw wat? if there was a title to b won for a player who dives most,ronaldo wud take it wth no sweat.

  • Brad

    0 0

    Well, not yet anyway.

  • Brad

    0 0

    Like i said, Messi should ascend to the throne next season. To me, he jes doesnt have enough experiance to earn that award.

  • Abae

    0 0

    What about this season messi does he going to take the world player

  • Brad

    0 0

    what i mean is that ronaldo proved to be better than messi, so he won the award for bein the best.

  • Brad

    0 0

    carchair…. ronaldo won the award, which means he is top player worldwide.
    messi does deserve the award, i mean really i dont see much difference between ronaldo and messi, its too close to call.
    i know messi dribbles faster than evryone else (probably even pele) and that is excellent, but i think he shuld have another season’s worth of experiance b4 he gets my vote. right now, let King Ronaldo enjoy his reign. let Prince Messi ascend to the throne next season.

  • Gaskia

    0 0

    ”Messi delivers consistently while Ronaldo do not”This claim is as wrong as my stepmother.Every player has his day.Have u seen messi vs villareal,brazil at copa America,nigeria at olympics,chelsea,etc.where Messi had a bad day.4 national teams perfomance,it is gud when one is playing wit a team dat can smtimes leave lucho gonzalez,Riquelme,Zarate,M. Rodriguez,s.aguero,j.cruz out of d team.Cr7 on d other hand is their best player.Though he is supported by d inconsistent Nani and Quaresma,and temperemental Pepe at the back and Carvalho in d mix.D golden age of figo,rui costa,n.gomes,j.andrade,pauleta are over.Guys feel free 2 suggest who among d current portu.players can enter d argentine team, none cept CR7.4 dose who say dat Cr7 is a big game bottler here’s a fact Cr7 has scored against all big teams he faced cept Barca.He has scored against Inter milan,A.c milan wit a header,Roma,Sportin,Porto,Arsenal,Chelsea,Liverpool.C.has scored almost against all teams in p.league.Sori he cant do it wit crapy portugal.

  • carchair9999

    0 0

    brad…. this is about whos the best player of the world… not who won the award…. seriously i hate ronaldo but hes still a good player, one of the best in the world… but what messi does is just incredible….. i mena just look at barcelona, thier players with out messi are amongs the best and most creative in the world, iniesta is proabably better than ronaldo and even he is no comparison to messi…

  • Brad

    0 0

    i dont know why anyone wanted to bring up this old discussion again. ronaldo has already won the award.
    anyone who has supported messi, u shuld agree with me that messi shuld wait till next season. i dont care that he is young, or the worlds fastest dribbler, he needs at least another seasons worth of experiance before he can begin his reign.

  • Brad

    0 0

    agreed CxTrtd.
    really, from what ive seen of messi, hes the best when it comes to dribblin fast, but that is all goin 4 him. hes young and (compared to ronaldo) relatively inexperianced. and he doesnt shoot from distance very much. ive seen ronaldo shoot from light years out and scored, especially the thriller in the 1/4 finals 2nd leg.

  • Brad

    0 0

    agreed yasar. I think messi should wait till next season. let Ronaldo enjoy his year long reign.

  • CxTntd

    0 0

    Please Wake me up when Messi scores a 39.8 yard screamer like the one CR7 scored at Porto and then We might start this discussion.

  • yasar

    0 0

    ronaldo is the best and messi is ok but not better than ronaldo

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    right u are chava.
    i may not support messi on this, but both he and ronaldo are excellent players and if u have one of them on ur team, ur veeeeeerrrrrrrrry likely to win. in fact its almost certain.

  • chava

    0 0

    I would like to agree with the prior message that messi is a great human being. Cristiano is a great player, but too much flash isn’t good. Both players are great though and choosing either one is a win.

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    g, u dont even know the diffinition of burn.
    well, alright, its online so what, and cfc fan yeah, messi does deliver, but ronaldo ( im talkin to u doe) can build on a season of nonstop success, which is waht he is clearly workin on.
    yeah i got a prob with ronny the greats divin, but lets skip the one flaw of him ok?
    but its what cfc fan just said ( and i sincerely agree with u) let the KING enjoy his reign.
    besides, i havent got to see enough messi action this season, so yall really cant prove his brilliance (though i wont deny that hes brilliant) to me. i just havent got time to watch fox soccer channel ( fox FOOTBALL channel is a better name.
    see ya next time, yall, and thanks for an excellent argument so far.

  • g

    0 0

    messi is just a queen who got a sex change…
    messi got burned badly. hes the laughin stock of my school when i tell everyne what i jus put.”

    one. i dont think anyone cares. two. you burned him. and it was SUCH a lame burn. thats why you are still in grade school, going to high school.

    its immaturity like that is the reason i dont take you seriously. what yur gonna go running to all yur friends that you “burned” a world class soccer player, they are even more of a loser if they laugh with you. and it was online. you burned messi online. wow. boy do you feel tough…hahahah

  • Lamarinho

    0 0

    messi is soccer in its purest form

  • john Doe

    0 0

    Chelsea FC: I do agree with you. In times when C.Ronaldo is fullfilling his potential, its simply beautiful to watch. He is ecstatic, unpredictable, inhumanly fast dribbler. His flair and creativity is out of this world.

    The only thing is that its very easy for a good wingback/fullback to nullify this potential. Simply, let him dribble and throw a crossball. He is not world class in that, eventho he has improved. When C.Ronaldo plays again likes of Zambrotta, Evra, Ramos, Maicon, Alves or any other defender that also has high pace and acceleration, its so easy to stay between the goalkeeper and Ronaldo. This totally nullifies his talent. He is able to come middle and he is forced to cross. Even more if the defender gets full support of defensive midfielder like Cambiasso, Makalele, Gago, Mascherano, Gattuso, Senna, etc, its very easy take him.

    All this said, I think he has done the best free kick goals Ive seen im my entire life. My jaws dropped when I saw the power and swerve he can but to the ball. Impossible even to the best goalkeepers to block them, when done correctly.

    Portugal performance is good example of his lack of dimensions. I dont say he is one trick pony, but I think it would be beneficial for him to join Real Madrid and learn to play in a different team.

  • Chelsea FC fan

    0 0

    John Doe; Ur right – Messi does deliver everytime – he is very consistent in his play…there have been times where u wish CR7 would deliver but he does not. However, when Ron-ron has delivered, it has been monstrous. A true spectacle to see and experience. There is so much anticipation behind him when he touches the ball. You know his capability so well that you have no idea what he will do and this is mesmerizing to defenders. Also, CR7 is holding a lot more weight under his belt in terms of awards & achievements right now.

    BUT, Messi will get his day soon – there is no doubt. His gameplay has accelerated tremendously in the past year and there seems to be no limit to what he can do. He is in a class all by himself. His personality touches the lives of people in ways only angels have – he is a First-Class human being on-and-off the pitch and this alone will guarantee him success in whatever he does.

    But, had he (or Barcelona) been this great when Ronaldo was stomping through town, he may have earned his right to be called King now.

    …for now, let the King enjoy his reign.

    this is a great debate..thanks for providing the forum to discuss SoccerNews!

  • Chelsea FC fan

    0 0

    John Doe; Ur right – Messi does deliver everytime – he is very consistent in his play…there have been times where u wish CR7 would deliver but he does not. However, when Ron-ron has delivered, it has been monstrous. A true spectacle to see and experience. There is so much anticipation behind him when he touches the ball. You know his capability so well that you have no idea what he will do. Also, CR7 is holding a lot more weight under his belt in terms of awards & achievements right now.

    BUT, Messi will get his day soon – there is no doubt. His gameplay has accelerated tremendously in the past year and is still growing rapidly. His personality touches the lives of people in ways only angels have – he is a First-Class human being on-and-off the pitch and this alone will guarantee him success.

    …for now, let the King enjoy his reign.

    this is a great debate..thanks for providing the forum to discuss SoccerNews!

  • john Doe

    0 0

    Brad Lovell: I really hate to be arrogant, so I try to express my opinion without insulting you.

    You are talking this and that bout C.Ronaldo. Did he have a great season: yes! Has he done even close to 41 goals in previous seasons: no! Before last seasons Roma game C.Ronaldo has done only few goals in Champions League, he has done next to nothing to help his national team Portugal. He has never scored a goal agains six biggest nations (Brazil, Argentina, England, Germany, Spain, Italy).

    So one good season in the best team in the world (Manu) makes him the best player in the world? Hardly!

    C.Ronaldo has to thank Rooney and Evra, who are greating vast amount of space for him to dribble. Is he good in dribbling when he gets space: yes, actually he is best in the world in that. BUT; in national team he does not get that space, and his performance is hopeless ever so often. Hopefully, he can still improve.

    At the moment, Messi is the name of game. He is performing everywhere, against everyone. He truly delivers, everytime!

  • chava

    0 0

    Ronaldo is a great player but I think attitude has a lot to do with it also. Everyone loves to see a show and that is what ronaldo. Add to that he is a brat that dives whenever an opposing player breathes on him to hard. In my opinion messi is a better player and has more class

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    Ronaldo is king.
    messi is just a queen who got a sex change…
    messi got burned badly. hes the laughin stock of my school when i tell everyne what i jus put.

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    Just to let u know, ronaldo is best…. duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh. messi is good indeed, but he should at least wait til next season to win the award.

  • saus

    0 0

    messi the best lasdt jear ronaldo before the summer than he was good later he played bad an messi is stepping his game up

  • Huy

    0 0

    Messi is the best

  • Chelsea FC fan

    0 0

    Just to expand on an earlier comment, RONALDO IS KING because he sits on the throne of the best league in the world.

    Messi is welcome to join anytime.

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    Graham, u said ronaldo and messi are certainly the two best players in the world. thing is, one of them has to be better than the other. i know who it is… (cough cough) ronaldo (cough cough). hahahaha.

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    i dont see why people call it showboatin. i call it brilliant footwork, and my school coach who supports liverpool, says that ronaldo makes messi cry in shame when he does that footwork. i see his point: i dont see messi, kaka, or even ronaldinho doin that. shame shame.. no offense to O Rei but ronaldo has better footwork than pele probably did, not sayin O Rei will have his crown stolen by ronaldo.
    Colin M. ur just like that baka fool: ur ina infidel( ive known that to mean nonbeliever gareth since i dont know when… first grade?) to Man United. What the hell are u playin at, sayin messis better. well yeah, he has more goals than ronlado does this season, but have u ever seen him score 41 goals in one season. i know i havent.
    And heres a song for gareth that i just thought of: u had a bad day, took messi down, put him in the bed, and rolled him round!
    OH SHIT! my eardrums bout been blown up! my friends are laughin up a storm.

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    dont get into it graham. gareth, i may be only thirteen, but im smartest in class and the board of education is considerin bout puttin me in, i dont know, ninth or tenth grade. that proves im smarter than u think.
    Look weaker? haha, ive heard that before. its called anger, dammit. im gettin a bit too pissed off with this. borin conversation here…. yawn… zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

  • Graham Fisher

    0 0

    Gareth, Brad,

    Will it help if I say that Messi and Ronaldo are almost certainly the best two players in the world?

    I reckon you’ll have to agree to disagree! 🙂

  • gareth

    0 0

    your attempt at insulting me has failed horribly. in fact, if i cared about what you said, id have read it.

    just because you swear and use CAPS, doesnt make you look tougher. it makes you look weaker

    trying to insult someone ONLINE, is hilarious. such a pus. hahaha. what are you . like 12? go get an education, because thats where you learn to use big words. i bet you had to look them up to understand them.


  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    all right all right, this is gettin to be a borin conversation. heres the deal, u believe in messi, even though ur bout to get burned doin so, and i beleive in RONALDO. all right?
    just say yeah, and i wont be burnin barca anymore.. though i might just drop a nuclear bomb on nou camp. haha ha.

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    Hey i know what u should do: go to messi’s home tunight and sing this song:
    Im so addicted to, all the things u do, when ur fallin down on me, in between the sheets.”
    Damn my ears are bout to explode from my friends laughter. that proves just how bad u got burned.

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    well yeah, different leagues, but real madrid and valencia and whoever the hell is in fuckin la liga are sleepin…. im surprised even spanish fascists even know there is such thing as barca, real, or la liga as whole.
    it aint called desperation, motherfucker, its called anger,and a good bit of truth thrown in to boot.
    You misspelled “you “idiot… gettin off topic here, shit.
    “yur pullin bullshit out of ur ass cuz u want sumthin to say… ur very incredulous.” Nobody even so much as thinks about usin that big word.
    Fascists like u dont even deserve to hear American phrases… how do u like that apple.
    also, i didnt see barca in MUs triumph this past season in UEFA. i should send flowers and a billion dollars to whoever stopped the fascist bastards at nou camp.
    yeah desperation is a funnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyyy thing spechialy coming from gaffers who marry fascists…………………

  • Colin M

    0 0

    Its a pity that the awards for best player are based on the previous season and major tournaments. For this year on form alone Messi is a much better player than the man who won the World Player award.However last year Ronaldo was just phenomenal . The number of goals he scored from a midfield position. The big games he contributed in. The influence he had on each game he played and the way he was obviously missed when he did not play.All round Ronaldo had a brilliant season.

    This year however Messi seems to have really come into his own. I will admit that Ronaldo show boats a little more than necessary and that he seems to have a bit more of an ego than Messi. I think they are both very skillfull players but for this year on form and results alone I think Messi is the better player.

    By the way I am a Man Utd supporter.

  • gareth

    0 0

    “so barca and messi havent proven themselves against a worthy opponent…. MU and ronaldo have.”

    different leagues dumbass. watch barca vs man u. first left man lost, second leg barca lost. they are equal. and ronaldo got hacked down everytime.

    “u really make a big deal out of diving and ronny doin it… but ive seen more barca players dive in one game than ive seen ronaldo do in his entire career at MU.

    cuz hes diving crying prick. and that statment is complete bull and you know it. ronaldo must have you around his finger. ok. fine. go to youtube and see how many times ronaldo dives during one video. now do the same for any barca player. yea. “how do you like that apple”

    yur pulling bs out of your rear because u want something to say. you are very incredulous.

    desperation is a funny and evil thing…

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    u really make a big deal out of diving and ronny doin it… but ive seen more barca players dive in one game than ive seen ronaldo do in his entire career at MU.

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    bandwagon player? u sign on with a certain team, or the team ur with sells or loans u to another, dumbass. and besides, i already supported em before ronalado came to em, and i didnt even know who he was back then. there aint no such thing as bandwagon players, unless u come from some small cuntre and play for brazil….. oh and by the way, u didnt put ane of ronaldo’s glowing supporters comments. also, if someone like carvalho or whatever the hell his name is comes tacklin, cuz he can tackle hard, i dont wanna be nailed and get a carrer thretenin injury. and u dont know bout band wagon jumpin…. u jump cuz threr is no way barca and messi can lose la liga, u bitch. MU on the other hand, actually has competition, though right now, the competition is on the back foot. so barca and messi havent proven themselves against a worthy opponent…. MU and ronaldo have.
    how do u like that apple, gareth u big fat bastard?

  • gareth

    0 0

    * Maradona says Messi better than Ronaldo
    * Kaka wants Messi as his successor
    * Messi is priceless
    * Kaka: Messi should win the Ballon d’Or
    * Messi is best player in the world, says Robben

    wow. wheres ronaldo? i dont see him mentioned.

    even other players think messi is better. but go ahead and stay behind your diving ronaldo. because, even though he wanted to, he wont leave manu. if he does see how many fans stay at manu.

    bandwagon jumpers. haha. ronaldo is a bandwagon player.

  • gareth

    0 0

    its funny you say that. because man u is the biggest bandwagon team. i stayed with barca even when rijkard was coach.

    its like saying ppl like ronaldo bcuz hes on manu.

    ronaldo has nothing on messi except hes faster. does the same damn trick everytime and uses his speed, not skill.

    but if ronaldo cant pull a showboating move off, he dives.

    so go ahead and support diving. because you support ronaldo. take ronaldo out of the team, and see how many fany stay…


  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    THANK U MARIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! those people like messi just cuz they jump on barca’s band wagon, seeing as barca has had no competition. meanwhile, ronaldo and Man United have had compitition, and have managed to wear it out… someone who wear opponents out deserve the award, especially experianced ones like ronaldo.

  • Maria Gonzalez

    0 0

    Ronaldo is way better than messi!!!!!!!!!!
    Ronaldo may be older, but his spirit is still young
    People just like Messi because he plays for Barcelona!!!!!!!

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    MU and barca ( the bull shitters) = refs jumpin on barca band wagon like u.

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    Looks like i jes put u in ur place band wagon jumper.

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    Ronaldo wasnt even thought of when my ancestors hopped cross the pond back round 1900. now shut up Spainard. by the way, baka, why u rootin for the Spainard fascist when u a MU fan? it aint right…… anyway, gareth u may have a point about xavi, but no one can do that footwork the way ronaldo does ( how do u like that apple?) not even O Rei Pele could have done so and if pele couldnt do it, amatuer messi sure cant… THAT is why ronaldo should win, he has put a NEW dimension to the game, something messi has to wait to do, when he finally learns his trade.
    Besides i got better things to do than talk to a FCB band wagon jumper…. good day.
    GLORY GLORY MAN UNITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • baka

    0 0

    I am a Man Utd fan, and I think Messi is better than Ronaldo right now.

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    ego of a peanut? what the hell is that suppose to mean? But ur right, Kaka can be thrown in 2 make the Top 2 the Top3. butt…. i still stand by that FCB gave whoever messi used to play for six million tons of bull crap.

  • gareth

    0 0

    whatever. support ronaldo just cuz your ancestors did.

    meanwhile, I WILL support messi because he has a better attitude and more creativity no the field then showboating ronaldo.

    im relying on my jugdement of a player not someone elses.

    messi isnt worth anything…hahahaha. wow. if experienced players deserve the award, how about xavi?

    messi is young and experience. how about this. put ronaldo in la liga and see how long that diving will last. neither the refs nor defenders will stand for that nonsense. did you want man u vs barca? he got tackled soo often and refs didnt care. hid diving is better than phelps.

  • Kids Soccer

    0 0

    They are both great players, throw in Kaka and you have the 3 best players in the world. Once your in the top 3, order doesn’t matter unless you have the ego of a peanut.

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    showboating? flamed? haha… listen, garet dude, i support MU and ronaldo becuz my ancestors supported em. ronny is more experianced than gol durn messi. xprianced playuhs deserve the award, not yungins like messi.
    oh and by the way, messi isnt worth a millionth of a penny, he aint worth bull crap!
    so yeah ur bout to be flamed……

  • garet

    0 0

    messi is worth a millionth of a penny? he is younger, improving faster, doesnt dive like ronaldo, has a BETTER attitude. messi has more creativity. ronaldo thrives on space. take it away and hes shut down.

    maybe is ronaldo stops falling to the ground when hes nudged by a defender. he got tackled and he swiped at the guys feets while hes on the ground.

    ronaldo is good. but messi is better. ronaldo needs to stop showboating.

    but seeing as how all of you support ronaldo, im about to be flamed..

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    Ronaldo is priceless, messi is worth a millionth of a penny.

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    Maradona should wash his mouth with soap…… messi better than ronaldo?!!!!?? My butt crack…..

  • febian

    0 0

    i think last year ronaldo is the best, he brought MU to win EPL, CL..
    but at this time messi look more shining with his performance in barca..
    both of them is a good player..
    messi has a better drbbling skill n passing
    but ronaldo is one of the most complete player, he can dribble, scoring, heading n taking free kick.. but he is a shellfish player,,,
    who’s the best??
    u decide it..

  • shamsudeen

    0 0

    ronaldo is the best Nomatter what People say..He is the best ..Messi is equally good but should waitfor next time not today

  • Ronaldo should be given the world best messi is also a good player but ronaldo is the best

    0 0

    Ronaldo is the best

  • akhimien emmmanuel

    0 0

    i think cristiano ronaldo is aterific player he should be given the award everone knbws he has been outstanding for both club and country. manchester u6td beat barcelona with ronaldo assitying while messi played some individual selfish game and i think that match and the goals he scored should be used to jugde this matter and manutd won the cup so ronaldo should take this kaka played at top level for acmilan and won the award and ronaldo should

  • adeniyi emmanuel

    0 0

    i think ronaldo is a great player for last season, even if you look at it in there domestic league i mean premierleague, he won the pfa of the year and he also did it in the champions league. pease lets us be sincere Ronaldo should be name world footballer of the year may be lionel messi will win it next time. As for me ronaldo is the best.
    thankn you

  • sanele

    0 0

    i can give my vote to christiano ronaldo cause he made his team win champions leagea.he has more goals.if u judge messi would u enjoy his dribling nad not winning anything for your team even a leagea.christiano ronaldo number 100pec.

  • sanele

    0 0

    i can give my vote to christiano ronaldo cause he made his team win champions leagea.he has more goals.if u judge messi would u enjoy his dribling nad not winning anything for your team even a leagea.christiano ronaldo number 100pec.

  • adeniyi emmanuel

    0 0

    i think ronaldo is a great player for last season, even if you look at it in there domestic league i mean premierleague, he won the pfa of the year and he also did it in the champions league. pease lets us be sincere Ronaldo should be name world footballer of the year may be lionel messi will win it next time. As for me ronaldo is the best.
    thankn you

  • akhimien emmmanuel

    0 0

    i think cristiano ronaldo is aterific player he should be given the award everone knbws he has been outstanding for both club and country. manchester u6td beat barcelona with ronaldo assitying while messi played some individual selfish game and i think that match and the goals he scored should be used to jugde this matter and manutd won the cup so ronaldo should take this kaka played at top level for acmilan and won the award and ronaldo should

  • Ronaldo should be given the world best messi is also a good player but ronaldo is the best

    0 0

    Ronaldo is the best

  • shamsudeen

    0 0

    ronaldo is the best Nomatter what People say..He is the best ..Messi is equally good but should waitfor next time not today

  • febian

    0 0

    i think last year ronaldo is the best, he brought MU to win EPL, CL..
    but at this time messi look more shining with his performance in barca..
    both of them is a good player..
    messi has a better drbbling skill n passing
    but ronaldo is one of the most complete player, he can dribble, scoring, heading n taking free kick.. but he is a shellfish player,,,
    who’s the best??
    u decide it..

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    Maradona should wash his mouth with soap…… messi better than ronaldo?!!!!?? My butt crack…..

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    Ronaldo is priceless, messi is worth a millionth of a penny.

  • garet

    0 0

    messi is worth a millionth of a penny? he is younger, improving faster, doesnt dive like ronaldo, has a BETTER attitude. messi has more creativity. ronaldo thrives on space. take it away and hes shut down.

    maybe is ronaldo stops falling to the ground when hes nudged by a defender. he got tackled and he swiped at the guys feets while hes on the ground.

    ronaldo is good. but messi is better. ronaldo needs to stop showboating.

    but seeing as how all of you support ronaldo, im about to be flamed..

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    showboating? flamed? haha… listen, garet dude, i support MU and ronaldo becuz my ancestors supported em. ronny is more experianced than gol durn messi. xprianced playuhs deserve the award, not yungins like messi.
    oh and by the way, messi isnt worth a millionth of a penny, he aint worth bull crap!
    so yeah ur bout to be flamed……

  • Kids Soccer

    0 0

    They are both great players, throw in Kaka and you have the 3 best players in the world. Once your in the top 3, order doesn’t matter unless you have the ego of a peanut.

  • gareth

    0 0

    whatever. support ronaldo just cuz your ancestors did.

    meanwhile, I WILL support messi because he has a better attitude and more creativity no the field then showboating ronaldo.

    im relying on my jugdement of a player not someone elses.

    messi isnt worth anything…hahahaha. wow. if experienced players deserve the award, how about xavi?

    messi is young and experience. how about this. put ronaldo in la liga and see how long that diving will last. neither the refs nor defenders will stand for that nonsense. did you want man u vs barca? he got tackled soo often and refs didnt care. hid diving is better than phelps.

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    ego of a peanut? what the hell is that suppose to mean? But ur right, Kaka can be thrown in 2 make the Top 2 the Top3. butt…. i still stand by that FCB gave whoever messi used to play for six million tons of bull crap.

  • baka

    0 0

    I am a Man Utd fan, and I think Messi is better than Ronaldo right now.

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    Ronaldo wasnt even thought of when my ancestors hopped cross the pond back round 1900. now shut up Spainard. by the way, baka, why u rootin for the Spainard fascist when u a MU fan? it aint right…… anyway, gareth u may have a point about xavi, but no one can do that footwork the way ronaldo does ( how do u like that apple?) not even O Rei Pele could have done so and if pele couldnt do it, amatuer messi sure cant… THAT is why ronaldo should win, he has put a NEW dimension to the game, something messi has to wait to do, when he finally learns his trade.
    Besides i got better things to do than talk to a FCB band wagon jumper…. good day.
    GLORY GLORY MAN UNITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    Looks like i jes put u in ur place band wagon jumper.

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    MU and barca ( the bull shitters) = refs jumpin on barca band wagon like u.

  • Maria Gonzalez

    0 0

    Ronaldo is way better than messi!!!!!!!!!!
    Ronaldo may be older, but his spirit is still young
    People just like Messi because he plays for Barcelona!!!!!!!

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    THANK U MARIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! those people like messi just cuz they jump on barca’s band wagon, seeing as barca has had no competition. meanwhile, ronaldo and Man United have had compitition, and have managed to wear it out… someone who wear opponents out deserve the award, especially experianced ones like ronaldo.

  • gareth

    0 0

    its funny you say that. because man u is the biggest bandwagon team. i stayed with barca even when rijkard was coach.

    its like saying ppl like ronaldo bcuz hes on manu.

    ronaldo has nothing on messi except hes faster. does the same damn trick everytime and uses his speed, not skill.

    but if ronaldo cant pull a showboating move off, he dives.

    so go ahead and support diving. because you support ronaldo. take ronaldo out of the team, and see how many fany stay…


  • gareth

    0 0

    * Maradona says Messi better than Ronaldo
    * Kaka wants Messi as his successor
    * Messi is priceless
    * Kaka: Messi should win the Ballon d’Or
    * Messi is best player in the world, says Robben

    wow. wheres ronaldo? i dont see him mentioned.

    even other players think messi is better. but go ahead and stay behind your diving ronaldo. because, even though he wanted to, he wont leave manu. if he does see how many fans stay at manu.

    bandwagon jumpers. haha. ronaldo is a bandwagon player.

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    bandwagon player? u sign on with a certain team, or the team ur with sells or loans u to another, dumbass. and besides, i already supported em before ronalado came to em, and i didnt even know who he was back then. there aint no such thing as bandwagon players, unless u come from some small cuntre and play for brazil….. oh and by the way, u didnt put ane of ronaldo’s glowing supporters comments. also, if someone like carvalho or whatever the hell his name is comes tacklin, cuz he can tackle hard, i dont wanna be nailed and get a carrer thretenin injury. and u dont know bout band wagon jumpin…. u jump cuz threr is no way barca and messi can lose la liga, u bitch. MU on the other hand, actually has competition, though right now, the competition is on the back foot. so barca and messi havent proven themselves against a worthy opponent…. MU and ronaldo have.
    how do u like that apple, gareth u big fat bastard?

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    u really make a big deal out of diving and ronny doin it… but ive seen more barca players dive in one game than ive seen ronaldo do in his entire career at MU.

  • gareth

    0 0

    “so barca and messi havent proven themselves against a worthy opponent…. MU and ronaldo have.”

    different leagues dumbass. watch barca vs man u. first left man lost, second leg barca lost. they are equal. and ronaldo got hacked down everytime.

    “u really make a big deal out of diving and ronny doin it… but ive seen more barca players dive in one game than ive seen ronaldo do in his entire career at MU.

    cuz hes diving crying prick. and that statment is complete bull and you know it. ronaldo must have you around his finger. ok. fine. go to youtube and see how many times ronaldo dives during one video. now do the same for any barca player. yea. “how do you like that apple”

    yur pulling bs out of your rear because u want something to say. you are very incredulous.

    desperation is a funny and evil thing…

  • Colin M

    0 0

    Its a pity that the awards for best player are based on the previous season and major tournaments. For this year on form alone Messi is a much better player than the man who won the World Player award.However last year Ronaldo was just phenomenal . The number of goals he scored from a midfield position. The big games he contributed in. The influence he had on each game he played and the way he was obviously missed when he did not play.All round Ronaldo had a brilliant season.

    This year however Messi seems to have really come into his own. I will admit that Ronaldo show boats a little more than necessary and that he seems to have a bit more of an ego than Messi. I think they are both very skillfull players but for this year on form and results alone I think Messi is the better player.

    By the way I am a Man Utd supporter.

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    well yeah, different leagues, but real madrid and valencia and whoever the hell is in fuckin la liga are sleepin…. im surprised even spanish fascists even know there is such thing as barca, real, or la liga as whole.
    it aint called desperation, motherfucker, its called anger,and a good bit of truth thrown in to boot.
    You misspelled “you “idiot… gettin off topic here, shit.
    “yur pullin bullshit out of ur ass cuz u want sumthin to say… ur very incredulous.” Nobody even so much as thinks about usin that big word.
    Fascists like u dont even deserve to hear American phrases… how do u like that apple.
    also, i didnt see barca in MUs triumph this past season in UEFA. i should send flowers and a billion dollars to whoever stopped the fascist bastards at nou camp.
    yeah desperation is a funnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyyy thing spechialy coming from gaffers who marry fascists…………………

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    Hey i know what u should do: go to messi’s home tunight and sing this song:
    Im so addicted to, all the things u do, when ur fallin down on me, in between the sheets.”
    Damn my ears are bout to explode from my friends laughter. that proves just how bad u got burned.

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    all right all right, this is gettin to be a borin conversation. heres the deal, u believe in messi, even though ur bout to get burned doin so, and i beleive in RONALDO. all right?
    just say yeah, and i wont be burnin barca anymore.. though i might just drop a nuclear bomb on nou camp. haha ha.

  • gareth

    0 0

    your attempt at insulting me has failed horribly. in fact, if i cared about what you said, id have read it.

    just because you swear and use CAPS, doesnt make you look tougher. it makes you look weaker

    trying to insult someone ONLINE, is hilarious. such a pus. hahaha. what are you . like 12? go get an education, because thats where you learn to use big words. i bet you had to look them up to understand them.


  • Graham Fisher

    0 0

    Gareth, Brad,

    Will it help if I say that Messi and Ronaldo are almost certainly the best two players in the world?

    I reckon you’ll have to agree to disagree! 🙂

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    dont get into it graham. gareth, i may be only thirteen, but im smartest in class and the board of education is considerin bout puttin me in, i dont know, ninth or tenth grade. that proves im smarter than u think.
    Look weaker? haha, ive heard that before. its called anger, dammit. im gettin a bit too pissed off with this. borin conversation here…. yawn… zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    i dont see why people call it showboatin. i call it brilliant footwork, and my school coach who supports liverpool, says that ronaldo makes messi cry in shame when he does that footwork. i see his point: i dont see messi, kaka, or even ronaldinho doin that. shame shame.. no offense to O Rei but ronaldo has better footwork than pele probably did, not sayin O Rei will have his crown stolen by ronaldo.
    Colin M. ur just like that baka fool: ur ina infidel( ive known that to mean nonbeliever gareth since i dont know when… first grade?) to Man United. What the hell are u playin at, sayin messis better. well yeah, he has more goals than ronlado does this season, but have u ever seen him score 41 goals in one season. i know i havent.
    And heres a song for gareth that i just thought of: u had a bad day, took messi down, put him in the bed, and rolled him round!
    OH SHIT! my eardrums bout been blown up! my friends are laughin up a storm.

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    Graham, u said ronaldo and messi are certainly the two best players in the world. thing is, one of them has to be better than the other. i know who it is… (cough cough) ronaldo (cough cough). hahahaha.

  • Chelsea FC fan

    0 0

    Just to expand on an earlier comment, RONALDO IS KING because he sits on the throne of the best league in the world.

    Messi is welcome to join anytime.

  • Huy

    0 0

    Messi is the best

  • saus

    0 0

    messi the best lasdt jear ronaldo before the summer than he was good later he played bad an messi is stepping his game up

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    Just to let u know, ronaldo is best…. duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh. messi is good indeed, but he should at least wait til next season to win the award.

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    Ronaldo is king.
    messi is just a queen who got a sex change…
    messi got burned badly. hes the laughin stock of my school when i tell everyne what i jus put.

  • chava

    0 0

    Ronaldo is a great player but I think attitude has a lot to do with it also. Everyone loves to see a show and that is what ronaldo. Add to that he is a brat that dives whenever an opposing player breathes on him to hard. In my opinion messi is a better player and has more class

  • john Doe

    0 0

    Brad Lovell: I really hate to be arrogant, so I try to express my opinion without insulting you.

    You are talking this and that bout C.Ronaldo. Did he have a great season: yes! Has he done even close to 41 goals in previous seasons: no! Before last seasons Roma game C.Ronaldo has done only few goals in Champions League, he has done next to nothing to help his national team Portugal. He has never scored a goal agains six biggest nations (Brazil, Argentina, England, Germany, Spain, Italy).

    So one good season in the best team in the world (Manu) makes him the best player in the world? Hardly!

    C.Ronaldo has to thank Rooney and Evra, who are greating vast amount of space for him to dribble. Is he good in dribbling when he gets space: yes, actually he is best in the world in that. BUT; in national team he does not get that space, and his performance is hopeless ever so often. Hopefully, he can still improve.

    At the moment, Messi is the name of game. He is performing everywhere, against everyone. He truly delivers, everytime!

  • Chelsea FC fan

    0 0

    John Doe; Ur right – Messi does deliver everytime – he is very consistent in his play…there have been times where u wish CR7 would deliver but he does not. However, when Ron-ron has delivered, it has been monstrous. A true spectacle to see and experience. There is so much anticipation behind him when he touches the ball. You know his capability so well that you have no idea what he will do. Also, CR7 is holding a lot more weight under his belt in terms of awards & achievements right now.

    BUT, Messi will get his day soon – there is no doubt. His gameplay has accelerated tremendously in the past year and is still growing rapidly. His personality touches the lives of people in ways only angels have – he is a First-Class human being on-and-off the pitch and this alone will guarantee him success.

    …for now, let the King enjoy his reign.

    this is a great debate..thanks for providing the forum to discuss SoccerNews!

  • Chelsea FC fan

    0 0

    John Doe; Ur right – Messi does deliver everytime – he is very consistent in his play…there have been times where u wish CR7 would deliver but he does not. However, when Ron-ron has delivered, it has been monstrous. A true spectacle to see and experience. There is so much anticipation behind him when he touches the ball. You know his capability so well that you have no idea what he will do and this is mesmerizing to defenders. Also, CR7 is holding a lot more weight under his belt in terms of awards & achievements right now.

    BUT, Messi will get his day soon – there is no doubt. His gameplay has accelerated tremendously in the past year and there seems to be no limit to what he can do. He is in a class all by himself. His personality touches the lives of people in ways only angels have – he is a First-Class human being on-and-off the pitch and this alone will guarantee him success in whatever he does.

    But, had he (or Barcelona) been this great when Ronaldo was stomping through town, he may have earned his right to be called King now.

    …for now, let the King enjoy his reign.

    this is a great debate..thanks for providing the forum to discuss SoccerNews!

  • john Doe

    0 0

    Chelsea FC: I do agree with you. In times when C.Ronaldo is fullfilling his potential, its simply beautiful to watch. He is ecstatic, unpredictable, inhumanly fast dribbler. His flair and creativity is out of this world.

    The only thing is that its very easy for a good wingback/fullback to nullify this potential. Simply, let him dribble and throw a crossball. He is not world class in that, eventho he has improved. When C.Ronaldo plays again likes of Zambrotta, Evra, Ramos, Maicon, Alves or any other defender that also has high pace and acceleration, its so easy to stay between the goalkeeper and Ronaldo. This totally nullifies his talent. He is able to come middle and he is forced to cross. Even more if the defender gets full support of defensive midfielder like Cambiasso, Makalele, Gago, Mascherano, Gattuso, Senna, etc, its very easy take him.

    All this said, I think he has done the best free kick goals Ive seen im my entire life. My jaws dropped when I saw the power and swerve he can but to the ball. Impossible even to the best goalkeepers to block them, when done correctly.

    Portugal performance is good example of his lack of dimensions. I dont say he is one trick pony, but I think it would be beneficial for him to join Real Madrid and learn to play in a different team.

  • Lamarinho

    0 0

    messi is soccer in its purest form

  • g

    0 0

    messi is just a queen who got a sex change…
    messi got burned badly. hes the laughin stock of my school when i tell everyne what i jus put.”

    one. i dont think anyone cares. two. you burned him. and it was SUCH a lame burn. thats why you are still in grade school, going to high school.

    its immaturity like that is the reason i dont take you seriously. what yur gonna go running to all yur friends that you “burned” a world class soccer player, they are even more of a loser if they laugh with you. and it was online. you burned messi online. wow. boy do you feel tough…hahahah

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    g, u dont even know the diffinition of burn.
    well, alright, its online so what, and cfc fan yeah, messi does deliver, but ronaldo ( im talkin to u doe) can build on a season of nonstop success, which is waht he is clearly workin on.
    yeah i got a prob with ronny the greats divin, but lets skip the one flaw of him ok?
    but its what cfc fan just said ( and i sincerely agree with u) let the KING enjoy his reign.
    besides, i havent got to see enough messi action this season, so yall really cant prove his brilliance (though i wont deny that hes brilliant) to me. i just havent got time to watch fox soccer channel ( fox FOOTBALL channel is a better name.
    see ya next time, yall, and thanks for an excellent argument so far.

  • chava

    0 0

    I would like to agree with the prior message that messi is a great human being. Cristiano is a great player, but too much flash isn’t good. Both players are great though and choosing either one is a win.

  • Brad Lovell

    0 0

    right u are chava.
    i may not support messi on this, but both he and ronaldo are excellent players and if u have one of them on ur team, ur veeeeeerrrrrrrrry likely to win. in fact its almost certain.

  • yasar

    0 0

    ronaldo is the best and messi is ok but not better than ronaldo

  • CxTntd

    0 0

    Please Wake me up when Messi scores a 39.8 yard screamer like the one CR7 scored at Porto and then We might start this discussion.

  • Brad

    0 0

    agreed yasar. I think messi should wait till next season. let Ronaldo enjoy his year long reign.

  • Brad

    0 0

    agreed CxTrtd.
    really, from what ive seen of messi, hes the best when it comes to dribblin fast, but that is all goin 4 him. hes young and (compared to ronaldo) relatively inexperianced. and he doesnt shoot from distance very much. ive seen ronaldo shoot from light years out and scored, especially the thriller in the 1/4 finals 2nd leg.

  • Brad

    0 0

    i dont know why anyone wanted to bring up this old discussion again. ronaldo has already won the award.
    anyone who has supported messi, u shuld agree with me that messi shuld wait till next season. i dont care that he is young, or the worlds fastest dribbler, he needs at least another seasons worth of experiance before he can begin his reign.

  • carchair9999

    0 0

    brad…. this is about whos the best player of the world… not who won the award…. seriously i hate ronaldo but hes still a good player, one of the best in the world… but what messi does is just incredible….. i mena just look at barcelona, thier players with out messi are amongs the best and most creative in the world, iniesta is proabably better than ronaldo and even he is no comparison to messi…

  • Gaskia

    0 0

    ”Messi delivers consistently while Ronaldo do not”This claim is as wrong as my stepmother.Every player has his day.Have u seen messi vs villareal,brazil at copa America,nigeria at olympics,chelsea,etc.where Messi had a bad day.4 national teams perfomance,it is gud when one is playing wit a team dat can smtimes leave lucho gonzalez,Riquelme,Zarate,M. Rodriguez,s.aguero,j.cruz out of d team.Cr7 on d other hand is their best player.Though he is supported by d inconsistent Nani and Quaresma,and temperemental Pepe at the back and Carvalho in d mix.D golden age of figo,rui costa,n.gomes,j.andrade,pauleta are over.Guys feel free 2 suggest who among d current portu.players can enter d argentine team, none cept CR7.4 dose who say dat Cr7 is a big game bottler here’s a fact Cr7 has scored against all big teams he faced cept Barca.He has scored against Inter milan,A.c milan wit a header,Roma,Sportin,Porto,Arsenal,Chelsea,Liverpool.C.has scored almost against all teams in p.league.Sori he cant do it wit crapy portugal.

  • Brad

    0 0

    carchair…. ronaldo won the award, which means he is top player worldwide.
    messi does deserve the award, i mean really i dont see much difference between ronaldo and messi, its too close to call.
    i know messi dribbles faster than evryone else (probably even pele) and that is excellent, but i think he shuld have another season’s worth of experiance b4 he gets my vote. right now, let King Ronaldo enjoy his reign. let Prince Messi ascend to the throne next season.

  • Brad

    0 0

    what i mean is that ronaldo proved to be better than messi, so he won the award for bein the best.

  • Abae

    0 0

    What about this season messi does he going to take the world player

  • Brad

    0 0

    Like i said, Messi should ascend to the throne next season. To me, he jes doesnt have enough experiance to earn that award.

  • Brad

    0 0

    Well, not yet anyway.

  • Michelangelo

    0 0

    Well as i read through y’all so cald“ronaldo fans”one loser mentiond dat there is a game were barca players dived more than he has ever seen ronaldo do.thats jst crap and u knw wat? if there was a title to b won for a player who dives most,ronaldo wud take it wth no sweat.

  • Michelangelo

    0 0

    it’s nt about’s about who plays best.

  • Brad

    0 0

    Experiance helps u become the best player. u cant jes automatically be the best, u need to be in the professionals for a good while.
    sure, messi has done that, but NOT NEARLY as long as Ronaldo has.
    “Dont tread on us.”

  • Michelangelo

    0 0

    don’T gt me wrong.ronaldo is by far “one of the best“ and well he’s quite helpful in man u achievements but dude his footbal is somehw boring.same stepovers dives al the time come on.dats totally out of footbal flair

  • Dip

    0 0

    Please dont insult messi by comparing him with ronaldo. Messi is the best. Man u has better players like tevez and rooney than ronaldo

  • Chelsea FC Fan

    0 0

    well well… ; )

    So now, can this debate end once and for all?

    I think we all know who will be succeeding the World Player of the Year…

  • Brad

    0 0

    Dip, please dont insult Ronaldo by comparin him with Messi. Messi is great but still……. I think he needs a nother season behind him before he gets my vote, even if he scored in the CL final jes awhile go.
    Tevez and Rooney are EQUAL to Ronaldo, even though they dont have the small flaw of divin.
    I agree with CFC fan though, this debate should be terminated.

  • Bзлoмщик

    0 0

    Я конечно в этом не особо разбираюсь, но после вашей статьи стал гораздо больше понимать. Респект 🙂

  • Chelsea FC Fan

    0 0


    I think this debate will be revisited in the near future…the race for Footballer of the year has just gotten more interesting…

    w/ CR in La Liga to compete against Messi, there is a new challenge on the plate for both players…and up and coming players.

    I think it’s too late for CR to be in the race for this upcoming award, but the competition for the next award will be very exciting to see…

    I might be a little quick to assume CR is going to Real, but I guess i’m also hoping that it does happen this time…the timing is perfect.

  • Рубен Сычев

    0 0

    Первые два комментатора дело говорят 🙂

  • вopcepдeчки

    0 0

    Премного благодарен! Буду теперь заходить на ваш блог каждый день! 🙂

  • Святослав Родионов

    0 0

    Большое спасибо автору за полезную статью 😉

  • aish

    0 0

    ronaldo and messi are very………..cuts.I just love…………..them.

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